
Thursday, February 6, 2014

2 Point Box Construction - Student Work

Intermediate 2-D Art

Here we see it again with the work of senior Cathy Luo.  Her finished construction before critique, then below, after.  Both times are amazing, but by bringing in the subtle coloring, Cathy makes her work pop even more.  Way to go kiddo!

Here is senior Anne Allen's humorous, complex piece.
 Brilliant Anne!

And I love that senior Justin Hwang thought to collage in his backdrop, then to tie his piece together thru colored pencil.

Lastly we have senior Jasmine Zhao with her very unique solution to this assignment.  Four separate pieces that she tied together, literally, with string and clothespins.  Another visual tie are the colors that she both into all the pieces thru touches of watercolor.
My students loved her piece. 

1 comment:

  1. These drawing are totally gorgeous. Well done guys - Hugs Nat
