
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

1 Point Box Constructions - Student Work

Intermediate 2-D Art
Not only are these truly remarkable works, but I also want to show and tell you about our critique process.  This piece above by senior Cathy Luo was wonderful when she turned it in.  But after the class crit, she saw that she could do even more with it.  So it was graded, then she took it home and made it even more amazing.  Below you see the finished product.
Wow, right??  :)  

Do all the students take advantage of this opportunity?  No, but occasionally they will.
  This was senior Justin Hwang's box construction  above in one point.  Love his subject matter and his point of view.  Such a cool piece.   Is there more that he could have done with this one?  Yes.  the two box structures in the background need cast shadows.  will he do it?  We'll see at Open House time.

And then senior Jasmine Zhao blew us out of the water with the amount of time and effort she put into hers.  Look at her attention to detail, extraordinary! 

Senior Alex Lee love's to use military scene's as his subject matter, usually in battle.  We can see fire in the distance and then he burns the edge of the paper to give his piece even more interest and realism.

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