
Sunday, January 5, 2014

One of My Nests

My work  space in our garage that Jim created for me.  He built my desk and attached it to his so that we can work side by side.  We share the T.V, and he's installed two book shelves for some of my current favorites.  He's also framed out the gallery shows announcements that featured my work.  He put up a pegboard so that I can hang my sh_ _, instead of it lying all over the floor.  We garage saled my comfortable chair and he has installed my computer so that I can blog and check my e-mail and FB.  I'm telling you, life is good!  

Fiber Artist Grace Forrest of Windthread fame, check out where I hung your piece, so that I can enjoy it every night :)
Mixed Media Artist Carla Trujillo, your 3 fabulous dolls sit and dangle from my bookshelves, and will be making their way to school on Monday so that I can teach with them and share them with my Beginning 3-D students.  Your work will also be featured this month on my blog.


  1. Isn't it great to have space to create, even if its small? Looking forward to seeing some great art from you and your students in this new year!!

  2. You are so lucky to have your own creative space. I do all my stuff on a dinning table. DH is going to build me art studio to top of the garage. I hope I will get it this year. Keep fingers crossed for me - Hugs Nat
