
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Felt Pouches - Student Work

I introduced you to my Beginning 3-D kids a few weeks back with their sweet felt embroidered pillows/pin cushions, well these were their finals for 1st Quarter.  
They had to combine all that they had learned about color theory, design and embroidery in this piece, so enjoy.

This top pouch was made by senior Julia Kim and is one of my favorites.

Below hers is the lovely stitching of junior Katelyn Uchiyama.

This adorable UFO is the work of junior Bianca Tolentiono.  Great colors on a striking backdrop.
The cute little Pikachu was made by senior Esther Woo, and the delightful butterfly next to hers belongs to senior Andrew Rim who exhibits amazing craftsmanship skills.

The lovely piece above was done by 8th grader Annie Lin, and below we have seniors Vinisha Kothari with the remarkable mermaid and Dhruvi Chauhan with the atmospheric landscape.

The little cutie above is the work of senior Megan Yeu.  Megan has a great class schedule this year.  She is planning a major in art, so this year she was able to fit 3 of my classes into her schedule, Advanced 2-d, Ceramics I, and Beginning 3-D.  What a great way to go out of here  :) 

And lastly there is junior Charisa Marie Perdon Bloemhof with a picture of her new baby sister.  So sweet!

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