
Friday, November 15, 2013

Meet My Beginning 2-D Students

Yeap, beginners.  Incredible right??  I have been blessed again this year with 28 impressive Beginning 2-D kids.  So many of them are coming to me with skills they've developed on their own, a few thru outside art classes.  And several are doing this for the first time and just soaring  :)

This assignment is called Color Theory, and the kids draw a design to accommodate the Color Wheel, Monochromatic, Analogous, Value and Complimentary  Scales.  Then they learn how to mix their colors with Tempera, and paint everything in.  After paint has dried they go black in with a Sharpie and outline all shapes and also bring in textual marks.  As you will see I'm working with kids that have amazing critical thinking skills to come up with these designs.

The top most piece is the work of junior Zoe Lin, one of my most talented new-comers this year.  And below is senior Jackie Manipon, another gifted student.

Then there is super-star sophomore Elias Rodriguez, who took 3 papers to build his incredible design.  Here are close-ups of each section.  Enjoy!

 Elias had to put in 3 times the amount of effort the other kids did, and boy, oh boy , did it pay off.  Elias is known for his dark subject matters and for his attention to details.  I'm hoping by the time he's a senior he will get a full ride scholarship to an art school of his choosing.   He is definitely on his way. 

Another newcomer is senior Erin Sun.  I think she is surprising herself by how well she is doing.  She is one of our school leaders in our Student Council and she has a ton on her plate.  So thank you Erin for pushing yourself and giving me this kind of effort!

Next we have another newbie, junior Michael Cantu with a beautiful piece.  So well developed and thought out.  I sure hope he decides to come back to me next year with these kind of skills going on!

And then there is junior Nathan Chong, who shared with me that he has been doodling and drawing since about 3 years old.  His parents have encouraged him to draw, so that his design and drawing skills are highly developed.  Can't wait to take him through my drawing unit!

And this gorgeous piece belongs to junior Smruthi Maganti who I worked with briefly 5 years ago in the wheel class.  So glad you are back sweet girl!

And lastly I want to show off the work of senior Catherine Chiou.  I love that she has brought a sense of fantasy into her design, along the lines of famous master artist Marc Chagall.  
What gets me every year is where have these talented kids been, how come they haven't taken more art till their junior or senior year.  What a shame!   Oh well, at least maybe the juniors will be back.

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