
Friday, September 27, 2013

Woven Bird's Nests - Student Work

This really lovely first one is the work of junior Laarnie Barcelon.  I love how much effort she put into all the added embellishments like the hanging ribbon with buttons. And her starch balloon eggs are wonderful too!
This is the 2nd year I've done this assignment with my Beginning 3-d kids as a vehicle to teach them dimensional weaving.  I couldn't be more pleased with the results.  within these nests you will find their hand spun yarns, feathers, laces, ripped fabric, recycled plastic bags, string, jute, you name it, it's been used to weave with.
The kids build their wire foundations from the rebar I pick up at Home Depot for just a couple of bucks.  It's steel but bendable, and really works well to form their structures with.  

The love birds and their nest were made by senior Kasie Le-Nguyen.

And the owl family and nest were done by the sweetest junior ever, Beah Tolentino.  There are actually 3 owls in the nest by only two are peeking out in this photo.

I feel really bad, I've lost the student's names of these next couple of nests, but they sure are cute!

I'm pretty sure this one above was made by junior Kaya Quarles.  
love the visual flow going on between the woven weft choices and the speckled eggs she made.  the students were required to make something special to put inside their nests.

This next one above is the creation of sophomore Reis Misaka.  Love those beautiful origami birds he made for his nest.

And this last fun one belongs to 8th grader Jenna De La Paz.
Great job young ones!!!!

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