
Friday, September 6, 2013

Slab Boxes - Student Work

We had many wonderful slab boxes built in the Beginning Clay class last year.  I put in a new requirement, carving out an area to insert some paper collage for a mixed media work.  Let me show you a few of my favorites.

I was so impressed with the design of this first piece by junior Nathan Baldonado.  Very unique form, lots of detail in the surface design, and then check out the back side where he used antique pattern papers to collage with (below)
The paper blends so nicely with the clay that it looks as if it was fired on.

This next one was also done by a junior, Shamara Mustafa.  Check out her clever carved out areas to pool glass in on the top,  and then to let it spill over and be caught in the side pockets.  Love it!  and then the turquoise in the pooled glass is working with the turquoise tissue she has collaged onto the backside

And the side view shows off her palm trees.  A lot of thought goes into the making of their pieces.

Senior Kevin Luong has built a very stately  box with a clever fitting lid.

And senior Nikki Shah has designed this very cool piece, choosing to finish it off with acrylics instead of glazing it.  I love the applied birds as they fly around the work and also her sensory paper collage.  Great color choices kiddo!

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