
Monday, September 16, 2013

Self-Portraits - Student Work

I love this assignment in my Intermediate 2-D art class, the kids are frightened of it, but end up conquering their fears and producing wonderful pieces as you will see.  The requirements were to use their favorite 2-D medium/media and creative a self-portrait.  Two weeks ago I posted their charcoal warm-up assignment so you were able to see how they looked into the glass doors and drew themselves for an hour.  For many of them it was their first time to actually take a really hard, objective look at themselves. 
 So these are the final products.  Hope you enjoy them.

Above and below we have beautiful senior Halah Elsahhar, proud as a peacock, showing off her finished self-portrait.  Ahe chose charcoal and pastel to work in.  What a fantastic job she did.

Senior Michaela Platt decided to work in watercolor in this remarkable piece.  She really bit off a lot here and came thru like a champ.  Super expressive, great technique and design.  Love it kiddo!
Just look at the range of value she was able to achieve in her tiny figure.  Wow!

In our next one, senior Belinda Wu decided to work extremely large.  I think her canvas was at least 24" by 36".  She completely nailed her face and worked out the entire piece in acrylic.  Very impressive! 

Junior Megan Yeu didn't quite finish hers, but it was still so lovely, I wanted to put it up.  One of Megan's signature styles is to cut out parts of her paper for a filigree sort of look.  She chose to do her piece in watercolor as well.

And lastly we have senior Kevin Tang, one of my all time favorite students ever.  Personality plus.  He is heading up to UCSB this next week to start his college experience.  I will miss his terrific, positive energy in my classes.  Because Kevin took to knitting like a duck to water, and carries his knitting from class to class, he chose to portray himself with an actual knit piece he made especially for this.  Pretty darn cool, huh?  He also made the knitting needles himself out of tooth picks.  Clever, clever boy  :)  Kevin worked in watercolor and graphite.

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