
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Preliminary Watercolors -Student Work

 After spending several days teaching my Beginning 2-D kids a few of the watercolor basics, these are the prelims. they came up with.  I'm very pleased.
Junior Anne Allan showed complete mastery with a few strokes of her brush.  Her work is spontaneous and fresh.

8th Grader Annie Oh brilliantly captured her cloudy sky and senior Louis Manuel (my color blind student) came up with the adorable design below.

Junior Deena Younan balances her work thru complimentary colors, and notice the textural cloud formations, done by sprinkling salt over top the wet pigment.

One of my favorites was this clever design by junior Cathy Luo.  I love the drip falling from the leaf.  And I'm also gravitating towards the warm color palette that senior Sheila San Agustin used in her work below.

And lastly, we have junior Alex Lee with this beautiful moonscape.  Love the turquoise he was able to mix from the watercolor set I gave them.   So sensory.

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