
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Lump Boxes - Student Work

These sweet Lump Boxes were done last school year by my Ceramics I kids and they really enjoyed the assignment.  I tried real hard to get them to form their piece asymmetrically which is always more interesting to the eye.  Then of course I make them add surface design for even more interest.  Each has a locking lid that fits perfectly or almost  LOL

These top 3 were done by seniors David Awada, Sophia Lu and Binny Singh.

These next 3 were the work of junior Justyn Li and seniors Mehar Maju and David Lee.  I just love Mehar's surface design.  One of my favorite motifs to use are sun designs.  She used applied decoration and incising to build hers with.

Senior Andre' Martin did this lovely one below.  Notice that he wedged our grey and red clay for a marbleized look with transparent glaze to show it off. 

This little bitty one was made by senior Lilith Huang.  She incised her design then stained it with cobalt oxide and transparent glaze.   Looks like she also marbled the clay.

This handsome piece below was built by senior Kevin Luong.  Look at his perfect glaze application, not easy for the beginners.

Next are these two by junior Aditi Ramesh and senior Nikki Shah, both amazing designers and craftswomen.

And lastly I took two photos of this cutie so you could see how the lovely junior Shamara Mustafa wrapped the coil around her piece for visual flow.  This way the eye travels around the whole work.  Shamara stained her piece with red iron oxide then applied transparent glaze over top.  So pleasing to the eye!

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