
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Kevin & Nida, This Heart is for You!

When seniors Nida Fatima and Kevin Tang built these Twig Sculptures separately they honestly didn't like them very much, so both kids donated them to me to teach with this year.  Well over the summer I had stacked them on top of each other and when I pulled them out the other day I liked the way they fit together, like a big heart.  So I took some wire and laced them as one.  What do you think??
Here is the place I have displayed it;  over top my fresh new dye garden.  Sorry about the shady cast shadows.
Also this summer I spun up a bit of art yarn and made bunting triangles, then used the clothespins that we over-dyed in our Tye-Dye unit to hang them with.  Pretty clever, huh??
I've brought in some new dye plants to work with this year, a deep red African daisy, an ornamental chili plant, marigolds, begonias and basil.  so we'll see what happens.
In the meantime, I miss your infectious smile Nida, and your crazy wonderful laugh Kev.  
Can't wait for you two to visit and tell me all about college life  :)
Lots of love to you both!

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