
Saturday, August 3, 2013

Wood Sculpture - Student work

These are the wood originals that I was posting about yesterday, done by my Beginning 3-D students.  For this assignment they had to turn the wood into an abstract human, animal or recognizable thing thru sawing, sanding, drilling, gluing, woodburning, carving, paper collage and staining.  I feel the kids did a remarkable job and probably worked harder on these then any of their other assignments.  They really got into this!

Senior Prianka Shah started with a block of wood and used a Dremel sander to shape her lion's body, and another thin piece of wood for the head, and glued the two together.  Then she woodburned in it's features.

For her finished piece she stained the wood and glued on fibers for it's mane and tail.  Fantastic piece Priyanka!  And so much effort with that Dremel tool!!!

Next we have senior Fernie  Jacinto with his playful interactive man.  He used a special drill bit to rout out the hole from the body, then instead of gluing the head on, he thought it would be cooler to be able to display it 2 different ways.  Great idea Dude!  :)  Also love the springs he used to attach the arms and legs, and that they aren't the same lengths.  Way more interesting for the eye that way.

This adorable Frankenstein was done by senior Kasie Le-Nguyen.

And senior Michelle Yoshimoto created this too die for choo-choo train.  Notice the woodburned smile  :)  Love it Michelle!!

This next rosy cheeked one with the really nice paper collage was done by 8th grader Jacqueline Yu.  Really like how she wire wrapped her nail legs too.

One of everyone's favorites this year was done by senior Briana Johnson.  Of course she based it on Disney's Pinocchio.
This little cutie here was created by junior Kaya Quarles.  She had to spend a lot of time rounding off the top of her wood plank, and then tons of hours putting down those tiny paper collage pieces.  But so worth all the effort.   

And what a sweet piece this one is by senior May Luong.  Notice the metal hardware she used for the legs?  and the clever wire wrapped nail s into arms.  I also like that she mounted it for greater stability.  The kids had a choice to either put a hanging device on it or to make it free standing.
And this darling piece is by one of my other 8th graders, Lauren Kennedy.  She has also come up with very clever arms, and done some pleasing paper collage.

Another favorite of the class and one of my personal favorites was this highly expressive and pleasing piece by our last 8th grader, Jenna De La Paz.  Jenna put so much extra time into this piece, coming in everyday at lunch to use the power tools.  And it shows Jenna, all your hard work was so worth it.  Fantastic piece!
Another favorite of mine was this sweetheart by senior Eugenia Jacobs.  Clever tutu creation with tissue paper, love how she attached arms and legs, and I adore those spring pigtails  LOL

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