
Sunday, August 18, 2013

Free-Choice Soldering - Student Work

My 3rd year Advanced 3-D kids got to use their soldering skills they learned in 2nd year to do a much more complex work.  Senior Nida Fatima chose her family and home as subject and came up with this very clever design.  The pieces she put under glass where paper and cloth collage...  
if you look closely below you can even see some stitching, and above some stamping on the glass with a leaf print.
The most difficult parts, and there were many, were soldering on all those tiny jump rings.  Luckily Nida has extreme patience and persistence when it comes to crafting.

Senior Kevin Tang did this very cool piece below, his theme, bringing together all peoples, in all languages.  He used a lot of texture in his soldering, and had at least 3 layers going on for a really interesting effect.

Unfortunately, I don't seem to have a pix of senior Rita Labib's piece.  But I know it's at school so when I go back next week, I'll insert the photo.  

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