
Friday, July 12, 2013

Preliminary Scratchboard - Student Work

These two practice pieces by junior Michaela Platt.

My Intermediate 2-D kids love working with scratchboard, but before I give them the pricey material, I cut up very small pieces for them to practice on.  Scratchboard is a piece of heavy white board covered in black ink.  You draw with either a pointed or scooped nib.  You use the nib to scratch thru the black to get to the white.  If you make a mistake there are no do-overs.  That's why it's really important to practice first.  After finishing the drawing, I have the kids bring in watercolor onto the white areas.  The results are striking. 
The eye study was done by senior Halah Elsahhar, and the house/hut by senior Belinda Wu.

The bird belongs to junior Megan Yeu, who will be coming back next year as one of my strongest drawing/ painting students along with Michaela Platt.  
This last one was done by senior Kevin Tang.  I accidentally bought a piece of scratchboard that had silver instead of white board underneath, but the results are very cool as you can see.

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