
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Mr. Z's Annual Car Race - Student Work

Rod Z., our beloved Physics teacher, and one of my favorite people on this earth, was showcased last year for his love of the Arts.  He, and his wife, very generously spend several hundred dollars each year on buying our students artwork, framing the pieces up during the summer, and then displaying them in their science rooms.

Several of his students are my students and they were coming in during 4th quarter scrambling around looking for recycled materials to build their Physics race car out of.  Needless to say, I was fascinated with their designs.  Senior Brendon Lim was even using my wood, saws and drills to build his beauty with.I found out this is an assignment that Rod does every year with the kids, he has even built a fabulous race track, and whoever has the fastest car wins a prize.  
So the day of the big race I paid his classroom a visit to see all the cars, and the creative designs.  This project requires great critical thinking for the kids.  Several of my sweet students are in the pix above, and are so proud to show off their cars.
Here is a closer look at all the creativity going on.
I believe my Em came in 5th place.  She was a proud girl!  Just wanted you all to know that I was super impressed with the energy and effort you put into your race cars! 

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