
Saturday, July 6, 2013

Felted Stone Pouches - My Work

A couple of months ago I saw a wonderful felted pouch that fiber artist India Flint shared on her blog.  I thought it might make a great new felt project for my students so I proceeded to try it out.  I'd like to share the first half with you, cuz of course I didn't finish it yet LOL.  What else is new!

I started with some fresh and dried flowers that I felt would have some decent dye properties.    
I wrapped some shamrock leaves around the first stone so hopefully there would be a bit of color on the inside of the pouch.  Then I bundled wool around the stone, stacking 3 layers in a perpendicular fashion, tucking ends in.

Next I bundled all the flowers around the outside, hoping for an array of color.  I tried another stone with eucalyptus leaves...
and then one more with only the geranium blossoms and leaves.
India instructs to then place these stones in boiling water for about 45 minutes or so to felt the wool, and release the color.  Did I mordant the wool, nope, but in retrospect, I wish I had, because when I unwrapped these wet pieces below the color didn't stay true.
After I carefully pulled off all the string and plant matter, I did a bit more wet felting with soap and hot water, then I cut a small slit at the top of each stone so I could get my finger inside to felt that.  A lot of shrinkage went on as you can see below but each little pouch is unique and special.  Now remember, this is just the foundation, there is so much more to come.  

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