
Friday, July 19, 2013

Before and After Portraits - Student Work

In this top piece we have junior Alex Lee's remarkable likeness of senior David Kim.

These are always so exciting to show off, the progress that my Beginning 2-D kids made in their drawing skills.  I partnered them up with each other at the beginning of year and asked them to draw each other as best they could in profile.  Then I kept those first drawings safe, and onward we went as I taught them the first part of Dr. Betty Edwards book, "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain".  Then about 3 months later I had them draw each other again to see the progress they'd made, and sure enough, each of the students had grown so much in their realistic skill level.  And what's so interesting, each of these kids came in at different levels.  This year I had kids coming in between 4th grade level thru high school.  But several of them ended at a college level.  You can imagine how proud of am of these hard working young ones! 

Below is the exact likeness of senior Louis Manuel by senior Sheila San Agustin.

This next one is a bit hard to see, but it was done in the very sensitive style that junior Hannah Hwang developed in the class of 8th grader Nathan Lam.

Senior Ashley Chowdhury drew a beautiful portrait of junior Judy Shih below.

And junior Deena Younan really managed to capture sophomore Jovani Garcia,

while junior Cathy Luo impressed us all with her exact likeness of junior Alex Rendon.

And what a lovely portrait senior Alice Zhang drew of  senior Sally Choi above.

And then there is the extraordinary work of junior Anne Allan who has drawn sophomore Matthew Chou.
Well, what do you think?
Send me your comments, would love to hear from you.
Thanks  :)  


  1. Your students' work is amazing.

  2. I would love to know what kind of exercises you had your students do in the 3 months between these pieces. The compositions, the technique and the confidence have grown immensely. Truly exceptional!
