
Monday, June 10, 2013

Self-Portrait Collages - Student Work

Let's see, these were done as their final Project for 1st quarter, and gee, now we are almost at the end of 4th Quarter.  So behind....sorry young ones!

The beginning 2-D class made these intricate mixed media pieces.  They are only 4" by 4" but they are full of content.  The kids had to jump thru all kinds of hoops for this assignment, showing me they can put together the 14 elements and principles of design.  Understanding of good design is key. 

This top one above was done by one of my superstars this year, senior Alice Zhang.   All of these works are signed and titled.  Because Alice was in my 3-d class last year she has brought in some of her embroidery and wood-burning skills for a very decorative piece.
This next one by junior Alex Rendon had so much creative texture and layering for the eye.  And below his is junior Cathy Luo with her very powerful self-portrait titled "Don't let me disappear".      

This next highly expressive piece is the work of junior Saarika Bhakta.  I love how the woman is morphing into a tree, and just the joyfulness of the piece.
Next we have junior Judy Shih with this really thought provoking piece called "Underneath it all".  These kids are really soul-searching and reaching deep into themselves thru these works.

8th grader Nathan Lam brings us this gorgeous tropical setting, and below junior Curtis Cha gives us so much wonderful texture to delight our eyes.

The beautiful colorway above is "Sailing into Success" by junior Alex Lee, and senior Ashley Chowdhury, another of my top artists this year, is pulling out all the stops in her work "Sweet Misery" below.
And lastly we end with senior Sheila San Agustin's heavenly piece.  I have to apologize to Sheila, her piece was supposed to be presented on the diagonal, with the corners at top and bottom. Sorry I took the pix wrong kiddo.  Sheila is also incorporating her 3-d sewing skills.  I love when these young ones apply their previous learning to new works.  Shows they are using their critical thinking skills.  And that's always a good thing.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about the photography on Sheila's piece Mrs. Agrums!
