
Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day To All the Dads in My Life

To Vinnie Sposa, head of the familia, you are the most handsome, wonderful father-in-law a girl could hope for.  Miss and love you and we will be there soon.
To Jimmy Sposa, my love, and the greatest Pop-Pop with his grand babies.  They adore you, wonder why?  LOL
Jim, you are the best father to all our children, always giving of your time, and helping our kids out at the drop of a hat.  Here you are under your son James' car helping him drop the trannie...
sharing your many musical talents with Zach, and encouraging him to play... 
waiting so patiently and never complaining as we shop for Dani's college gear...
attending all our special functions...
entertaining your grand doggies...
enjoying and hanging out with your beautiful daughter Julie whenever you can...
and taking excellent care of our baby Sophie.  Thank you sweetheart!

James, not only are you the most gorgeous stepson with the healing hands (he's our physical therapist at Ando Aston in Anaheim Hills), but you are an amazing daddy to your children (you take after your dad), and an excellent cook to boot (from your grandma or Giada? certainly not your dad  LOL).
And our Julie's husband Mike, we are especially proud of the man you are, a loving and attentive husband to Jul, a wonderful son to your folks Mary Ann and Joe, and a great father to your daughter Aleah.  May you continue to make your mark with the Orange County Sheriff's Dept.  They have a gem in you, and they know it!  You are their rising superstar!

And  to Inars Agrums, father to our children together, you are the best daddy, always there for them, supportive, hard working, and the best "ex" a girl could ask for  LOL
And you are also the best caretaker for all Dani's animals, Bogie, Lily and Yeezy.  But don't let her talk you into anymore!  LOL
Happy Father's Day to All.  Love you Boys!!!!

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