
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Couch Redo - My Work

Here is my first attempt at reupholstering our worn and ripped leather couch.  We found this really cool fabric store in Tustin that specializes in this kind of fabric along with drape and curtain fabrics.  We must have spent two hours walking the store and cutting off samples.  Decided on a worn looking tapestry fabric in all the colors of the room.  My husband pulled apart the sofa  (back cushions and side arms). Then I went to work with Beacon's (yes, the moving company) fabric glue and a heavy duty staple gun.  An hour an a half later, wella, a new and improved look. 
With all the leftover samples that we didn't use (a good 13 of them), I sewed them together for two new patchwork style accessory pillows.  Talk about a sense of accomplishment!
And my husband was really proud of me.  :)

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