
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

White on White - Jude Hill's Workshop

I've signed on for another Jude Hill workshop called "What If".  Even though I am seriously behind, I'm so enjoying the work of all the other amazing stitchers that are on-board with me.  What an inspiring group of artists from all over the world. The task is to try to use only white fabrics to compose with.  That was challenging for me because I so gravitate to color.  What I was able to find though where many of my mom's favorite embroidered hankie's that she and her mother made in the 30's and 40's .  I also pulled in a bit of linen and lace from various garage sales and thrift stores.  But best of all is one of my mother's crocheted gloves that I remember her wearing to church in the 50's and 60's.  Now to stitch it all together i a pleasing way.  I'll keep you posted!  

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