
Friday, May 31, 2013

Wheel Thrown Clay Mugs - Student Work

In 2nd Semester Ceramics II, the kids are required to learn how to throw on the potter's wheel.  I start then off with cylinder froms then we move on to "S" curves in mugs and vases.  In the mug assignment they are required to throw 2 mugs, each a different form with a handbuilt handle, and the other a pulled handle.

These 2 mugs belong to senior Rita Labib.  She wasn't very happy with them because they ended up out of round, but because of the playful handles she has attached, I feel like they work in a whimsical sort of way.  She was going to throw away the top one and I said hey, wait a sec, let me take it home and plant it for you. when I brought it back she feel in love with it  :).  
This next mug below was made by senior Eddie Ponce.  He was really happy with the outcome of this piece, and so was I.

A Sweet Grouping!

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