
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Part Three with Katherine England

Katherine teaches kids a really fun project.  She takes pictures of them and has them decorate their pix with linear textures in different colored pens.  Above is the example that Katherine has done of herself. 

Katherine oftentimes designs at pieces around her family members.  Below are two soldered crowns that she has made for two of her children.  The front one is for her daughter Hannah.  I like how she has them displayed in her home of these wood rounds.
She allowed me to borrow it so that I could have a great example to show my classes.  I'm currently teaching  a soldering unit to my Intermediate 3-D kids.
Below are all sides of Hannah's crown.

Other solder projects she has around her house is this very creative self-portrait below.  I really like how she has hinged it together.

 Next we have a portrait of Katherine and all her siblings.
And below, Katherine's two sons,
and her two daughters.  
Really fun hinges.
My favorite solder piece of hers is the one below.  I believe she told me this was her dad.  I love how she designed and mounted it on a twig.  So delicate and a lovely tribute her her father. 
Over the last couple of years I've done several profiles on the art and life of Katherine England.  To see more, scroll down under labels and find her under "Professional Glass Artist Katherine England"  

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