
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Hand Knit Camera Bags - Student Work

The 3 seniors in my 3rd year Advanced 3-D class really did a great job with this very difficult knit bag pattern.  The purpose was to teach them as many new techniques as I could fit into one assignment.  Here are a few new things they learned: picking up stitches along horizontals and vertical edges, i-cord, button band with button holes, casing, 3-needle bind off, mattress stitch, adding on a pocket, and fringe.  Whoa, that's a lot!  Now let's see who belongs to which one  :)

Above we have our lovely Nida Fatima who will be off to Boston, Mass. for college.  Love your color choices Nida!
Kevin Tang took the time to knit several of these bags, this one was my favorite.  Kevin will be off to either U.C.S.B, U.C.R or Cal Poly, he hasn't made up his mind yet.  I'm routing for Cal Poly of course.
And this last one was done by Rita Labib.  Notice how she changed up the pattern's button band a bit.  Such a clever girl.  And loving all those wooden beads she added.  Rita had her pick of every art school out there, her portfolio is that strong, they were practically knocking down her door, but she has chosen Santa Monica City College for it's renown Photo Department.  
I wish you 3 the best as you head into your futures.  And know that you take a piece of my heart with you.

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