
Monday, April 29, 2013

Coil Trivets - Student Work

As a prelude to building coil pots, I have the Ceramics I kids do an assignment I call Clay Trivets.  This way they get the hang of rolling out well formed coils before the big assignment.  This is a really fun project for the students.  
First they cut out the outside format of their shape from a rolled slab.  Then they cut out an interior piece that either echos the exterior or they change up the design entirely.  With the interior piece that they cut out, they begin to roll their coils, make their balls and shapes and insert the clay back into the interior hole.  Keep in mind I have them do this from the backside.  Then when every space is filled up (remember they are on the back side) they score thru all the pieces and smooth everything over until you see only a blank back side.   The funniest part is turning them over to reveal the design on the front side.  On the front they add repetitious stamping and carve out areas to melt glass into.

These first two are the work of juniors Carol Oh and Shamara Mustafa.  And below is the creation of junior Justyn Li.  Well done all of you!

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