
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Clay Masks - Student Work and Mine Too :)

My Beginning 3-D kids where really excited to work with clay, and because for many it's their first experience with it, I want it to be easy but with great results.  And I know that's what I get with this mask assignment. 

The piece above was my demo that I did for the kids.  I never pre-plan my demos so I never know if they will turn out well or if I will crush them up and put them back into the clay bucket for recycling.   This year I liked my result, so it went thru the bisque fire (1800 degrees) and then all 4 oxides were stained over the surface, then back into the kiln for the glaze firing (2150 degrees).
All my students came out with terrific masks, so let me start by showing you senior Fernie Jacinto's piece.  Fernie had a definite advantage, he took my Ceramics I class last year so he came to this assignment with lots of experience.  He produced an incredible work in clay.  Below is his piece in the greenware stage (before firing). 
I have the kids work over a newspaper mold and roll out a slab to begin with.  Before the slab goes over the mold I have the kids put in a lot of surface texture with stamps and cylinder rolls.
Here is Fernie's finished product and a close-up.  I love how it turned out, Fernie thought it was ok, and he will be selling it at our Open House sale.  Crazy boy to part with such a beauty.

Next is senior Briana Johnson.  She has never worked in clay before but took to it like a duck to water.  Her craftsmanship was  impeccable and her design, amazing!

Next we have 8th grader Jacqueline Yu with this fun, expressive piece.  One of their most important requirements was to be able to identify an expressive quality in the end result.  Jacky nailed it!

Below is senior Priyanka Shah's work.  She included teeth which is very difficult, but it adds so much.  She also incorporated a bit of steel which is a nice detail.  

I wish you could see this next piece in person, it's so detailed and wonderful.  It was done by 8th grader Jenna De La Paz, an up and coming art superstar.  Jenna always pushes herself so hard and gives me everything she has, which is going to take her far.  

Below hers is senior Eugenia Jacob's.  I love how she used a bit of red nail polish after it came out of the glaze firing for more drama.

Above is a very unique piece by sophomore Laarnie Barcelon.  So much attention to detail, so well thought out, lot's of steel, and such a great job with the oxide staining.  Plus a bit of waxed linen as embellishment after it came out of the kiln.
These next three were all fabulous, and again you will be able to see them in person at Open House this Wednesday Nite, April 17th.  They were made by junior Ashley Duru, sophomore Reis Misaka, and 8th grader Lauren Kennedy.    
Below we have some of my favorite students this year and their greenware masks.  Junior Tristan Eddy, whose spun yarn I featured earlier in the year, junior Beah Tolentino, Ashley Duru, and a young one who makes me laugh and smile everyday, junior Kaya Quarels.  Love you all, you've made this school year Great! 

1 comment:

  1. can you fire oxide stains on low fire clay or only high fire?
