
Saturday, March 2, 2013

Tricia Drake & Tricky Knits

Two years ago I found this pattern for an adorable newborn cocoon in a crafts magazine and got myself some #19 circulars and some chunky yarn and whipped up the blue cocoon below with my handspun around the face edge.  What I loved about the pattern was that it went fast and looked great when it was done.
Then recently I was in my local Michael's and saw this book about "Welcoming Home Baby"  by Tricia Drake, and the chunky blue yarn in the cover photo looked so familiar.   So I opened the book up and found my cocoon pattern and so much more!  Super cute patterns that could be knit up quickly with gorgeous chunky yarns.  I had to buy it.  Since then I have found Tricia's Facebook link and peruse her site daily.  I want to make everything I see and own all her beautiful yarns she offers up for sale.
What I love about Tricia is that she is accessible on Facebook and gets back to you quickly if you have any questions about her work, patterns or yarns even though she is a young mother of seven children!!
You can buy her work like the hat below...
or this fun 2 piece set.

Or you can also order her patterns
or get pre-made kits.
Sometimes I just visit her Facebook to see all the pix that mother's send in of thier babies in the pieces they've bought from Tricia. 
So cute and funny too.  

Her yarns are to dye for...
and if you don't what to buy a whole skein she even offers just a couple yard lengths for sale to knit in as accents.  Love her, her Facebook site and her etsy site.  Take a peek if you get a chance.

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