
Friday, March 29, 2013

Stitch Paper Quilts - Student Work

This assignment is in it's 4th year and still going strong with my Advanced 3-D students, Nida, Kevin and Rita.  We are working from textile artist Kellie Nina Perkins book "Stitch Alchemy" where she shows us how to combine fiber and paper with watered down white glue.

The kids had a ball creating their colorways for their pieces.  They brought in stamping, acrylics, collage, machine stitching and so much more to each of their papers.  They drew a design to scale and used it as their template, then cut out all their pieces and machine stitched them down to their base piece.  then added embellishments and free motion quilting.  The end results were terrific!

This first one was made by senior Nida Fatima.  Love her whimsical design with it's sense of movement and rhythm.     
Here are a few close-ups of all the detail in her papers as well as her stitching.
The back of her piece with tabs for hanging device.

In this next one senior Kevin Tang has outdone himself with this lovely portrait.  
He has put countless hours into his free motion embellishment, and I love the papers he has chosen to use for his binding, recycled wrappers.
I am so proud of you Kevin, your artwork is growing by leaps and bounds this year.
His backside.

Lastly, senior Rita Labib changed up her design so many times I lost track.  But what she finally settled on was dramatic and powerful, a real show-stopper.
Rita carries around with her this huge bag of collage papers and fabrics she has collected that have special meanings to her.  It's big and disorganized but she patiently finds and pulls out just the perfect image or texture for each area of her design. 
Rita's signature style these days is a multi-layered effect in which she enjoys combining wire, hardware, paper, stitch and fabric.  Brilliant Work kiddo!
Notice her hanging device, twisted rebar from Home Depot.