
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Sneak Peek at My Work

Just one of the be-zillion projects I've got going right now, a Retirement Wall Quilt for our beloved Secretary Kay.  She has been at Whitney longer then me.  When I walked in the door 33 years ago she was the first person who greeted and welcomed me.  I had all the faculty and staff sign a white piece of cotton that I will be incorporating into the piece, but shush, don't tell  :)  
This has also been my demo quilt for my Intermediate 3-D kids.  The only thing is, they finished before me.  LOL  Those quilts will be posted soon.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi Debbie, long time no hear from me :( Sorry, not been blogging for ages, but hope to rectify that.

    I love this quilt, what a lovely gift, she will love it.

    Carol (from England) x
