
Tuesday, February 5, 2013


We've had a lot of weather here in sunny Southern California.  Lots of rain and cold, into the low 30's at night.  Although I just spoke to my son today who is in Toronto and Montreal, Canada this week for his work, and he says it's -20 degrees there, so I know I shouldn't complain.  It's just that it's cold enough to really mess with my flower garden.  
Actually I've really enjoyed this cold spell, I get to wear all my woolens that don't usually get to come out.  Although,  I need more then that late at night when I take Princess Sophie for her "poop" walk.  Here I've got on 4 layers of jackets, 2 are mine and I also have on Jim's down vest and his fleece coat, plus my new mittens that senior Lauren De Belen gave me for Xmas.  They came in real handy Lauren, thanks!
With it being winter and all the leaves covering the sidewalks, I've been noticing how they are leaving their mark/print behind after the rains.  Ever since I took the Eco-Dye Workshop with India Flint, I'm always looking at the ground for wonderful windfall, and that's when I noticed the recent prints.  Pretty darn cool!

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