
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Value Scales - Student Work

These value scales were done by my 2nd year 2-D kids as a warm-up exercise at the beginning of the school year.  Yeah, I know I'm very late in posting them. 
See if you can find the scale in this first piece by junior Belinda Wu.  This is her first year with me and she is coming to me with exceptional skills.  She has cleverly hidden the scale in her table tops.  Her attention to detail and her shading abilities are remarkable.
This next piece by senior Halah Elsahhar is lovely.  Her craftsmanship skills are impeccable, and I love that she added a touch of color as well as a border.

And below we have junior Megan Yu who has also hidden her value scale.  Do you see it?   It's in the tail.  Another wonderful design.  Notice how textural her shading style is, and how it fades out.  I encourage my students to find their own style when we begin our linear and shading exercises.  What's really cool is that after awhile you can start to recognize student's work based on their own unique styles.   

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