
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Happy Birthday Baby...a little late

Let's see...Jim's 65th birthday was in October and it's now January, maybe I'm a bit behind on my posts LOL.  I just don't know how the rest of you out there manage to keep up.  Anyways, we celebrated with mine and Jim's kids and grand-kids at Brooklyn Pizza, Jim's favorite pizza joint in Yorba Linda.  He's been taking his kids there for almost 30 years now.  Of course we ordered the New York Greasy and for dessert, the zeppoli's.  Yummmmy!

Jim's beautiful daughter, Julie, drove in from Hollywood and was able to hang out with us all weekend.  The grand kids were busy getting into Halloween mode as you can see J.V. doing below.
And then of course they had to help Pop-Pop open his presents.
And what's this?
An alumni artwork by 2012 graduate Jessica Liu.  I had asked Jessica if she could paint our portrait last school year in watercolor and that I'd pay her for her time.  She said no problem.  But senior year went by so fast that she didn't get a chance to do it, and then she was gone.
But at the beginning of our school year in walks Jessica with the finished piece.  She had painted it over the summer with a snap shot very similar to the one below.  I was delighted with the finished piece and so happy that she had followed thru, plus she had done such an unbelievable job.  I was so thrilled because I had originally wanted to give it to Jim for his b-day present.  So it came in right on time.  

Thank you Jessica Liu for this fabulous portrait.  Jim framed it out and it hangs in our home, and is such a beautiful addition to our treasured pieces.

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