
Monday, January 14, 2013

7th Grade Oil Pastel Spheres

My 1st Quarter 7th graders are looking mighty good here as they use oil pastel for the very first time.  First they had to find their style using hatchure strokes or pointillism   Then they had to decide how to shade, once again choosing between monochromatic, analogous or complimentary.  Then to put their spheres into a fore and background with cast shadow and horizon.  I only gave them 3 days to do it in and I am amazed at their skill level already.

So here we go.  First up is Richardo Gallardo with the gorgeous beachscape above.
And below we have Heather Choe with her bright and beautiful piece.  Both of these kids did such an outstanding job, it's hard to believe they are just 7th graders.
This next piece above is by sweet little Fidella Wu,
and below hers is the amazing pointillist styling of Anjli Gandhi.  Great job you two.

Another young one who did an incredible job in pointillism is Juliana Oliveira.  Notice how even though both the girls above chose to work with dots of color, I encourage each to find their own way with it.  Anjli's dots are smaller and Juliana's are larger.  Both girls are choosing to allow some of the black background to show through. 
This last piece was so different from the others with it's rays jutting out.  It was created by Madison Lee and has such a cool feel to it, really dimensional.

I'm so proud of all of you, there was a lot of talent in this 1st Quarter bunch of kids.

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