
Sunday, December 2, 2012

Florida 2012

This was my 3rd summer to go back to Florida with my husband to visit his family.  And I think I'm starting to get used to the heat and humidity, or maybe it just wasn't as bad this year.  Whatever, we had a fun and relaxing time with his folks.

The first part of our adventure began in East L.A. before we even boarded the plane.  We were early getting to the airport and as we were cruising along the 105 freeway to L.A.X. I said to Jim why don't we get off the freeway and you can show me what East L.A. looks like cuz I've heard all about it but have never driven thru (too scared).  He said are you sure?  Yep!  So off the freeway we go (above) and I'm thinking this doesn't look so bad, he said just wait.
So another mile and it's still not too bad.
But then all of a sudden, it starts to look pretty run down and barren.
So I said, OK, that's enough and back onto the freeway we went.
We stayed with my fabulous in laws, Vinnie and Bette, who always roll out the red carpet when we arrive.
I think Rocco, their pup, has gotten even bigger then the last time we visited.  He still thinks he's a lap dog  LOL
They live a little less then a mile from the ocean in the most beautiful gated community, complete with clubhouse and golf course.
This is their lovely pool where Rocco loves to jump in and swim along with us.  This year Jim's brother Jack joined us with his wife and another couple, so we did some exploring along the coast.
Jack took us to this hidden beach about an hour north of Hobe Sound, just below Palm Beach.  To get to the ocean we had to ford thru this crazy, dense jungle terrain.  Jim assured me that the wild boar and snakes would leave us alone.  Yeah, right  LOL

Finally we arrived at the water to find this huge blow hole.  I tried really hard to capture the water as it was coming up and out, but I just couldn't get it.  But there's the hole  :)
The ocean and sand along the Atlantic coast looks so different then what we are used to here along the Pacific.  The water is so clear that you can see the sharks really clearly along with the dolphins.  It's pretty scary how close the sharks come into shore.  The water is also the most beautiful shade of turquoise, and it feels so good against your skin compared to the waters of the Pacific. 
What I was able to get a shot of was Jim getting destroyed by the waves. 
But my favorite adventure was picking Rocco up from his doggy daycare playtime with his buddies.  He's so funny how he sits like such a gentleman in the back seat and gazes out the window.  I think he thinks he's people.  Such a regal young man  LOL
The worst part of the trip was that our plane was delayed by 5 hours.  And of course we got there early so it was a long wait.  We got back into L.A.X. at 3 in the morning (which is located at the west end of East L.A.) to find that my car had been towed away (long story).  So we had to find a taxi ($20) to take us out of our way to Marina Del Ray to collect the car (another $300 bucks), and then we find a ticket on the windshield for $300 for illegal parking.  It is now 4 in the morning.  By the time we got home it was 5:30 a.m. and we were out of money.  Lesson learned for next year.     

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