
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Felt Pouches - Student Work

I'm loving my new Beginning 3-D kids.  They are working so hard for me and have the most positive attitudes.  I couldn't ask for more.  These pouches were their 1st quarter finals and a culmination of the entire quarter.  We studied color theory thru tye-dye and polymer clay, and also an embroidery unit, then put it all together into these pouches.

This first one (front and back) belong to senior Fernie Jacinto.  I'm sure he made this pouch to give to his girlfriend.  You can even insert a pix into the back clear vinyl piece.  Pretty clever Fernie.  You should put your prom pix from lat year inside.  :)

The front and back of this next cutie belongs to junior Kaya Quarles.  I am enjoying Kaya immensely  and it's so cool, I had her daddy in class years ago.  I'm loving her two little monsters.  Great job Kaya!   

Next we have 8th grader Jenna De La Paz with her very sweet girl.  I've got 3 eighth graders this year who are doing outstanding work; Jenna, Jacqueline and Lauren.  You 3 are keeping up with the older kids.
Below is the work of 10th grader Laarnie Barcelon.  She is coming to me with terrific design skills and tons of energy and effort.  Laarnie, I want you back for the 2nd and 3rd year of 3-D!

Now here is the work of 8th grader Lauren Kennedy.  Told you she was good.  Here you can see the front and back of her pouch.
This first one (front and back) was one of my favorites and done by senior Kasie Le-Nguyen.  I love how she did the background, very clever design kiddo.

This next one was also a beauty by senior May Luong, with great use of color.  May is also in my Beginning 2-D class and excelling there as well.

Below is the backside of senor Priyanka's piece.  So lovely!

Senior Michelle Yoshimoto made this sweet piece above.  Love her use of buttons in the work, and here is my third 8th grader Jacqueline Yu.  Unbelievable what I get out of thee young ones.

Next we have the work of senior Mylan Jefferson who loves the Irish at Notre Dame.  Beautiful work young woman!

And lastly we have senior Jessica Barrett who I had when she was in the 7th grade.  And what a beauty she has grown into.  Jessica does gorgeous work, with impeccable craftsmanship and great attention to detail.  Love that you are back sweet girl!
For EXTRA CREDIT on a piece of paper or fabric, make me a pouch (you can use staples, tape, glue, thread, yarn).  And if you figure out how to make a drawstring I will give you even more points.  On the front side decorate it and on the back side put your name and period, plus pick the pouch you like the best and put the name of the maker on the backside as well.  Whoever gets the most votes also picks up extra credit.  Hand pouch to me when you walk in the door.  Have fun!   

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