
Thursday, December 27, 2012

7th Grade Felted Soap Scrubs

These beauties were created by my 1st Quarter 7th graders, and boy oh boy did they have fun making them.  I think one of the funnest aspects are the kids choosing their colorways from the numerous choices I gave them.  I usually buy this wool for felting at the Annual Handweaver's and Spinning Guild's Show in early November at the Torrance Civic Center.  Several of the vendors there have really great selections of colors and prices.

I give each student a cake of soap and show them how to felt with hot water and agitation.  Then I send them outside on the picnic benches and away they go!  I make them work in pairs, so there is a helper to fetch hot water and to help with the soapy clean-up.  The results are always spectacular.

Above we have Scott Lee Jr. and Tyler Aquino, and below are Mira Modha and Anjli Gandhi. 
Beautiful job all of you! 

1 comment:

  1. These are excellent! Beautiful colors - they would make excellent gifts.
    :) Elizabeth
