
Friday, December 21, 2012

2012 Holiday Festivities in my Classroom

First I wanted to dress up our dye garden outside my classroom door.  I bought cyclamen  begonia  and a poinsettia plant to dress up the existing planters. 
You can see the giant scroll bulb is really coming on strong during it's growing season right now. 
I also tried to dress up the spider plant and trellis using recycled cotton string from our shibori unit.
I crocheted a chain stitch and added buttons along the way.  I actually made these in my car at stop lights to and from school.  I placed a button at each light then chained while I drove.  I know, pretty crazy, but that's how I roll.
My students asked for a live Xmas tree, so Jim and I went to home depot and bought this beauty.  I placed it atop my Lockerbee potter's wheel so the tree could be spun around and admired from every angle.
I offered extra credit to all for homemade ornaments.  For many of my students this was the first live tree they've ever decorated.  I told the kids that I considered the tree an empty canvas and that it's all about surface decoration to turn it into a piece of art.  One of my favorite pieces that came in was senior Tiffany Lee's reindeer antlers complete with it's own battery pack for the top of the tree.
The first ornament that came in was made by senior Kevin Tang.  He knitted a very cool bow, and below junior Anne Allen brought in her hand painted bulb.

Senior Sheila San Agustin also knitted a bow and trimmed hers in silver.  And below senior Halah Elsahhar made a glitter banner at senior square during their festivities to add to our tree.
Also showing in this pix above are senior Sally Chou's amazing glitter ball, sophomore Reis Misaka's origami bird and senior Rita Labib's chopped up dyed Popsicle sticks glue ball mix.  Pretty darn creative there Rita  LOL.  I love it, already have it on my tree at home.  Thanks for the gift  :)
Senior Eddie Ponce crafted this wonderful snowman from clay and glaze, and that's my hand edged crochet leaf inspired by UK artist Susanne Bauer, whose work I will be showcasing this next week.
7th grader Ananya Raghavan made this magnificent paper ball from recycled Xmas cards, and junior Deena Younan made the lovely cloth beaded pouch above.
And I had saved this puppy that my own girl drew when she was 5, it was missing a tail and ear.  Senior Phoebe Liu was kind enough to make new ones that blended well with the old, then laminated it for me to preserve it.  Thanks Phoebe!
We also managed to save one of Danielle's old snipped eraser pieces from when she was 7 years old with a bit of Mod Podge, then backed it with posterboard so we could hang it from the tree.
All in all, it was a wonderful season with my students.  I wish all of you a Happy Holiday, and relaxing time off.  I will miss you and be thinking of you as I celebrate with my family.  

Here's to good food, lots of chocolate, and making great memories with family and friends.  
Thank you all for the heartfelt cards and gifts you sent me home with yesterday.  Looks like I will be able to afford my favorite Starbucks's drink for a good while, as well as see some good movies and get my nails done thanks to you and your family's generosity.  Lot's of love to you all, Mrs. A/S  xoxoxoxo

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