
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Great Shake Out

A couple of weeks ago all the schools in the state of California participated in The Great Shake Out to practice for the "Big One" that's coming.  I was in my classroom during "The Whittier Narrows" quake and let me tell you it was a loo-loo.  Clay pieces were falling off shelves, glass was breaking in my kiln room, and I actually fell down trying to get to the door jam.  So we will be prepared!
Above are seniors Fernie Jacinto and Rita Labib sitting pretty under one of my larger tables.
Not so comfortable are my students who sit at the smaller desks, below.  That was a much tighter squeeze.  But you can tell they are all enjoying this exercise by the smiles on their faces.  After the all clear bell we marched the kids outside to stand a good distance from the buildings, and pretended to asses the damage.  
Another successful Shake Out.

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