
Friday, October 12, 2012

The Last of My Summer Blooms and Harvest

This spectacular hibiscus bloom on a tiny little plant I got in a Home Depot sale.  Ever since I put it in the ground it stopped blooming :(
This sweet little cacti had 6 of these flowers this summer, and the flowers are almost larger then the whole plant.  One of my pots on the right that I made last school year when I demoed throwing and altering pots from the wheel.   
My topsy-turvy strawberry plant that bore 5 whole fruits.  What a disappointment !  and they weren't sweet at all, I probably should have fertilized more. 
Even though you only see one boysenberry and it's not even ripe yet, I'd say I harvested about 3 dozen off this vine this past summer.  My largest crop in the 3 years I've been growing it.  :)
Even though I had hundreds of fragrant blossoms this spring, I was only left with 5 grapefruits after the Santa Anas got thru with their blowing season.  But hey, at least they all didn't blow away!
This was my first year trying to grow a grape vine, pretty funny, huh?  Even though they look pathetic,  believe it or not, they were sweet and delicious.
And here's the little guy I showed you the other day, and these are his flowers, so delicate.  And all of this growing in an escargot shell.  Roger's Gardens in Newport Beach come with with the most clever planters!

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