
Friday, September 21, 2012

Metal Jewelry Unit - Part I

Every year I do a unit with my Intermediate 3-D kids to introduce them to metal jewelry and what you can do with copper, brass and a small bit of silver.  Techniques that are covered are stamping/embossing, cutting, acid etching, various patinas, setting eyelets, drilling holes, annealing, and a few other cool things.  Then I have the kids make 6 pieces in which they show me they've tried them all.

Above and below are the pieces that were done by senior Noel Kim.  You can see all the creative ways...
she thought up to design her pieces with.

These next six above are the work of senior Ingrid Huang, and as you can see in the two pix below she also came up with some really cool ideas.

This next one above was done by senior Andrea De Leon.  Love how she heated up the ends of the copper wires until they melted and formed balls on the ends.
This next group of six was the hard work of junior Nida Fatima.  Just look at her go with all these crazy, wonderful designs!  And i really like how she turned many of them into key chains.
A few close-ups.

And the ones in this last series are the incredible work that is senior Elsie Aguilar.  She went all out on her samples, dedicating her metal book to her older sister Heide.
And her stamped mica pieces to her mom and dad.
And my favorite, her feather below.

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