
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Meet My New 7th Graders

Even though I was very sad to loose my last group of 7th graders (a very sweet group of kids), I'm very excited about the new crop that came eagerly thru my door as we changed quarters and rotated the wheel. My young ones went off to Ms. Improta for drama lessons and I received Ms. Yun's kids from Speech and Debate (20 some years ago Sunny Yun was a student of mine and now she teaches here with me- pretty cool stuff!). So anyways, I'm really liking these new ones. Their first assignment was to make a 5 step value scale for me and these were the most exceptional ones turned in. They belong to Jonathan Hsu (above) and Annika Brandes (below). Jonathan impressed with with creating more value steps then I asked for , and Annika with her wonderful shading style.

Above we have the very sophisticated design of Jane Juan and below Aaron Liu has managed to convey a sense of movement through his design.

And lastly we have the sweet little clock that Jean Kim drew and the clever sword design by Albert Lee. Great job all of you, I'm really looking forward to seeing all that you will produce for me.

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