
Monday, January 24, 2011

Slab Footed Bowls - Student Work

As you can see the beginning clay kids are starting to get the hang of glazing and manipulating the clay, as well as bringing in some interesting surface design. These little beauties just came out of the kiln. Enjoy them with me. Top right belongs to senior Andy De Avila, and the sweet bird next to it was created by senior Dong Song. Both boys have exceptional craftsmanship.

Above we have a close-up of senior Christine Joy Castillo's hard work and attention to detail. Didn't think I knew your middle name, did ya? LOL By the way, thanks again for all your help on glazing days with clean up, just let me know where you want your extra credit points. :)

Above we have the crazy, wonderful work of super talented senior Freddy Perez. Now that is some cool foot! Freddy is an outstanding designer and spends a lot of time critically thinking out his projects. Below we have a terrific piece, both in design and glazing by senior Kevin Pascual. Both boys really love working with the clay and spend many extra hours perfecting their pieces.

And lastly, we have these sweet pieces below created by seniors Matthew Ramos and Christina Lee. Matthew has created a very elegant foot while Christina has brought in some exceptional surface design in her greenware.

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