
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Knit Scarf Samplers - Student Work

These beauties belong to my 2nd year 3-d kids and were their First Quarter Final Projects. They first had to hand dye their yarns with food coloring, and then they learned and practiced 12 different knit patterns with these yarns. They also were allowed to choose one additional yarn color to knit with that would pull all the pieces together. I bought the wool for the kids from Knit Picks and it is their super wash bulky, a really soft and wonderful yarn to knit with, also fairly inexpensive compared to others we have used in the past. After successfully completing all 12 patterns, they then had to sew them to each other in a pleasing, well balanced way. And these are the results. Oh, they also had to learn single crochet and were required to edge their scarf with it. Fringe was optional.

They were allowed to make more then 12 samples as junior Nandi Best did in the one above. I'm pretty sure she knit at least 24 samples that she sewed into her scarf. And aren't the colorways terrific? Really bold and wild. And look closely at the cool crocheted edging she put around the scarf. She went above and beyond the single crochet edging. Beautiful work Nandi with tremendous effort shown.

Another favorite of mine this year was done by senior Brittaney Lee. Loved her unusual color combinations that she worked together into one piece. Very subtle but also very sensory. And beautifully crafted as well. Kudos go out to all my knitter's. Thanks for hanging in there with me, I know the learning was a struggle, but look at your results. It was so worth it!

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