
Friday, October 22, 2010

Color Theory - Student Art

My Beginning 2-D students are getting off to a strong start with this 1st assignment. Many of these kids are coming to me with drawing and design skills already in place, so it's really exciting to see what they are going to create. In this 1st assignment they were to design a piece in which they could incorporate their color wheel as well as their color schemes (monochromatic, analogous, complimentary and neutral), mix all their own colors except the primaries, and then paint with tempera. I also had them outline all their edges in felt tip marker to make the piece pop. The striking piece above was done by sophomore Ashley Tang. Can't wait to see what else she comes up with this year!

This next one was designed and painted by junior Michelle Lee. Just look at her attention to detail in the close up and what she did with the felt marker. WOW! Beautiful work woman!

And check out this sweet one above. What a clever design and so beautifully crafted by junior Sarah Zhang.

And lastly we have one of my favorite new students this year, senior Jennifer Park. I love this girl's energy and enthusiasm, and her big bright smile that she sends my way every morning. Plus she has some skills as you can see. What a lovely piece she has created. So stay tuned to see what else these kids are going to be creating this year. Just wait till you see their portfolios!!


  1. I really love the bicycle picture. I wish I could buy a copy!

  2. These are fantastic! Do you by chance have a written lesson to go along with this project?

  3. These are fantastic! Do you by chance have a written lesson to go along with this project?
