
Friday, September 3, 2010

Day Trippin'

On the road again with Jim, this time to Ventura, Ca., where he had more business stuff to do. I had fallen asleep during the drive thru the San Fernando Valley cuz it was a hot one let me tell you. But when we were leaving Thousand Oaks and dropping down into the Central Coast it cooled off by at least 25 to 30 degrees, and that woke me up. Boy did it feel good. And we were driving with the top down so it was really noticeable. The shot above is looking down into the coastal farming community of Camerillo.

I've only passed the town of Ventura on the 101 Fwy. and never bothered to stop, but what a great old town it is, full of craftsman style architecture, like the little house above, and also a few big Victorians. There is a large downtown area full of trendy shops, yummy places to eat, and some great thrift stores if you are into that sort of thing. We both are, and are usually able to find a treasure or two.

Of course we had to stop to admire the Buenaventura Mission, and Jimmy told me to knock at the door, even though it was roped off, but nobody was home.

There is a brand new Museum there (above) right across the street from the Mission, and a very cool looking Archaeological Museum right next to the Mission. I told Jim I want to come back and spend a whole day in the downtown area so we can really explore it and spend a little money too!

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