
Monday, September 20, 2010

Color Embosssments - Student Art

This grouping is the work of last school years Beginning 2-d class, and part of a printmaking unit I do with them at the end of the year. They start with a dense piece of cardboard (above left) that they glue shapes, lines and textures to. They are able to choose their own subject matter and may work realistically, abstract or non-objectively. I give them a nice piece of printmaking paper and off they go to the printing press after the glue has dryed on their printing plate. Because it's the end of the year they are familiar with many types of color media so they are able to choose whichever one they want to use to color the piece in with when it comes off the press. The plate and the finished piece above belongs to senior Sarah Lee. Sarah used watercolor, jute and shells to embellish her piece with.

One of my favorite students from last year, junior Shirley Sun, did the impressive Elvis' above. I'm pretty sure she used oil pastels to color her pieces with. What's really amazing is that she was able to do 4 of them in the time it took the others to just get one done. Way to go woman!! And look at senior Sonya Liu's beauty below. She watercolored hers in as well as added the wire. Great touch Sonya!

And junior Michael Jo made this beautiful thank you piece which he collaged and pasteled, added the yarn bow, and then mounted on top of some painted paper. What a sweet piece Michael, and thank you for making it for me. :) What a lovely gift. Below, senior Alan Tsim did the Asian inspired work. I'm pretty sure he colored it with pastels.
And we end with a very strong design by junior Paul Kim. I believe he used oil pastels in his work. Great job to all of you!

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