
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Aged Metal Booklets - Student Art

Almost done posting the artwork from last years students, just got a couple more to go before we start seeing what this year's crop is up to. These pieces were done last year in a jewelry unit on metal aging by my Intermediate 3-d class, and man oh man were they cool. The kids worked with a variety of aging techniques on copper sheeting like liver of sulfur, torching, hammering, ammonia, vinegar and sawdust, and etching to name a few. They also learned how to emboss the copper, pierce it and so much more. Then they took their favorite techniques and built a miniature booklet which included bringing in embellishments like beads, charms and metal brads. The top piece was made by senior Alma Gudino, and the piece below done by junior Olivia Hill.

As always, what I love is that all of them are so unique. The 2 above were created by senior Trisha Shah and junior Angeline Tran. You can view the ones made 2 years ago by clicking on Metal Aged Books. It's definitely worth a look see.

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