
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Summer Blooming Orchids

Last winter break when my son and I went on a road trip to San Diego, I bought him this unusual orchid. It's mounted on a piece of bark and very difficult to keep wet. I keep it at my place because my son was off at school and couldn't care for it, plus I have the perfect light for it. Anyways, I've been babying it along and the other day I looked at it more closely then usual, and I saw the forming of a stalk of orchids. I couldn't believe it and within two more days they began to open. They started off very pale yellow, but another two days had them turning bright yellow. They were so sweet and delicate. But the blossoms only lasted a week and a half then poof they were gone.

This is the enormous orchid my cousin Michelle gave me when she left for Texas this last May. It was blooming when I got it, and I remember posting it back then. After about a month the blossoms dropped off and I thought for sure it wouldn't bloom again till next year. But look at it go. It just sent out these new stalks and has been blooming again for all of July and now into August. Wow, what a beauty she left me with.

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