
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Designing to Music

For my 3rd year 2-d students, their final for the year consisted of picking out a piece of music then creating a design that worked with it. The kids were able to interpret their work in any media they felt would flow best with the song. So all 3 of these pieces are very different. I have to tell you that it's been almost 3 months since I heard the songs these kids picked out, so I won't be able to tell you what their music selection was. Sorry. The top piece belongs to junior Jason Kwon. He worked on a piece of clear acrylic sheeting that he cut to size which was very difficult since I had never done this before and had no idea what tool to use. But Jason figured it out. I believe he put the strips down with masking tape from the back side and then he monoprinted in acrylic on the front. I felt the piece was very bold and exciting, and extremely original and fit his music well.

This next work was done but senior Jullian Kho, and she incorporated graphite, monoprinting and collage. I felt she achieved a beautiful contrast within her design that really worked with the contrast in her music. Plus I really loved the layering of the monoprinting over her drawing.

And this last one belongs to senior Hannah Park. I feel she really worked with content in this piece and was definitely able to convey a message to the audience. She also combined monoprint with collage and I believe she brought in some watercolor as well. All 3 of these kids did really original, well thought out designs, and I'm pretty sure if I'm remembering correctly, they only had about 7 class days to pull them off in. Amazing, I can't wait to see what these 3 are going to do with the rest of their lives. I'm hoping it will revolve around art. Good luck Hannah and Jullian, Jason I'll see you in 2 weeks :)

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