
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Bogie and Lily Agrums

Yep, it's Lily now instead of Birdie, I have a funny feeling the kitty's name will change a few more times before Dani makes up her mind. While Dan and I were watching the Bachelorette Finale last night the two young ones were trying to get along and nestle between us. This is how they started off, above, kind of eye balling each other and us,

then Lily relaxed enough to fall asleep. Bogie still has his eyes open just a tad. (above)

Finally Bogie settles and falls asleep, and Lily snuggles closer.

And this is how I left them, way too cute! I think Bogie and Lily will end up being the best of friends. At least that's what I'm hoping for. LOL I've got my fingers crossed.

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